4 Differences Between Steel Pipes and Steel Tubes

At Sterling Pipe & Tube, we’ve been providing customers all over the world with steel tubes and pipes since 1987. With that much time spent in the business combined with our extremely knowledgeable staff, we’re seasoned experts in the steel tubing industry. Occasionally, we’re presented with a question that seems obvious to us but, after consideration, is more complex than it initially appeared. One of these questions is, “What is the difference between a pipe and a tube?” So, today we’re going to take a closer look at the key differences between the two.
Tubes are stronger than pipes
Due to a variety of factors, tubes are inherently stronger than pipes. This means that steel tubes perform better overall in applications that require durability and strength.
Pipes are always round
While tubes come in a number of shapes, such as square, round and rectangular, pipes are always round in shape. So, if you’re looking for a square steel pipe, you’re actually looking for a tube!
Tubes are hot or cold rolled steel
Whereas pipes are typically manufactured from black, hot rolled steel, tubes are made from cold or hot rolled steel. At Sterling, we offer steel tubes in a range of grades, such as commercial quality, A.K.D.Q. and low carbon.
Pipes require special equipment to bend
Some tubes are made to be bent, such as those created from brass or copper. Pipes are designed to hold their shape and, therefore, cannot be bent or shaped without specialized equipment.
Here at Sterling Pipe & Tube, we offer a massive range of steel piping and tubing. Whether you’re looking for hot rolled, aluminized round steel tubing or cold rolled, galvanized square steel tubing, we’ve got you covered. Give us a call, let us walk you through our product line and help you discover a solution to the problems you are facing.